Freiburg Street Crossing Dataset
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For mobile robots navigating on sidewalks, it is essential to be able to safely cross street intersections. Most existing approaches rely on the recognition of the traffic light signal to make an informed crossing decision. Although these approaches have been crucial enablers for urban navigation, the capabilities of robots employing such approaches are still limited to navigating only on streets that contain signalized intersections. In this paper, we address this challenge and propose a multimodal convolutional neural network framework to predict the safety of a street intersection for crossing. Our architecture consists of two subnetworks; an interaction-aware trajectory estimation stream IA-TCNN, that predicts the future states of all observed traffic participants in the scene, and a traffic light recognition stream AtteNet. Our IA-TCNN utilizes dilated causal convolutions to model the behavior of all the observable dynamic agents in the scene without explicitly assigning priorities to the interactions among them. While AtteNet utilizes Squeeze-Excitation blocks to learn a content-aware mechanism for selecting the relevant features from the data, thereby improving the noise robustness. Learned representations from the traffic light recognition stream are fused with the estimated trajectories from the motion prediction stream to learn the crossing decision. Incorporating the uncertainty information from both modules enables our architecture to learn a likelihood function that is robust to noise and mispredictions from either subnetworks. Simultaneously, by learning to estimate motion trajectories of the surrounding traffic participants and incorporating knowledge of the traffic light signal, our network learns a robust crossing procedure that is invariant to the type of street intersection. Furthermore, we extend our previously introduced Freiburg Street Crossing dataset with sequences captured at multiple intersections of varying types, demonstrating complex interactions among the traffic participants as well as various lighting and weather conditions. Extensive experimental evaluations on public benchmark datasets and our Freiburg Street Crossing dataset demonstrate that our network achieves state-of-the-art performance for each of the subtasks, as well as for the crossing safety prediction.